Upsy Daisy Assortment

And the actual illustration on the front was repainted. It was basically lifted. Again, it was another Swiss travel poster. But I couldn't think of anything tackier than this kind of hovering lamb. ~ Andy Partridge

Andy and I chatted about Upsy Daisy in late December , 2002.

WL: How about the Upsy Daisy Assortment?

AP: Initially, I wanted that to be a box of chocolates.

WL: Do you know Colin Price?

AP: Colin Price. The fellow in Oxford.

WL: Yes.

AP: He's the man who gave me the wah-wah. I thought I remembered his name.

Andy's original mock up - click to view in full.
Andy's chocolate box idea - click to view in full.

WL: He said he had traded you some stuff. I actually have images of the original chocolate box on my site. He sent them to me.

AP: So, has he got the original mock up?

WL: He's got the originals of that and he's got some mock ups of Nonsuch, which are also on the site. So, I've seen the chocolate box and it is neat.

AP: Well, I wanted to do it as a box of chocolates in a card box. But a very narrow card box, obviously. And the disc was going to be printed with the tray like a selection of chocolates.

Then you were going to get a piece of corrugated card, like the sort of fancy card that would lay over that. And then you have your little menu showing what the tracks are contained therein.

WL: That's a great idea.

AP: And the actual illustration on the front was repainted. It was basically lifted. Again, it was another Swiss travel poster. But I couldn't think of anything tackier than this kind of hovering lamb.

WL: [laughing] Why do you call that tacky?

AP: That's, pretty tacky. [laughter] I can't remember the name of the artist who did it. I was trying somebody different, and he wasn't with Design Clinic. I asked him, would he not paint in the Swiss flag on the collar. You know, could he change it to a little XTC or something? And

he obviously forgot that and he just went ahead and painted the Swiss flag. So if you look carefully at the collar. I don't know if you have one near?

WL: I have a small black and white image I'm looking at.

AP: But if you look on the collar of the lamb. I think it's on the collar. There's a little Swiss flag, because it was lifted from a Swiss travel poster from the early fifties. Actually it was an illustration that I loved so much that at one time I

wanted to use that as the cover of Nonsuch. When it wasn't called Nonsuch. It was supposedly going to be called Milk Float. And Milk Float was going to have this lamb hovering along. But I thought it would be much better to use it for this chocolate box idea for a compilation. But of course, Geffen didn't want to spend the money. Or, Geffen didn't want to advance our money to make a chocolate box type package. So they just went ahead with a dull old boring conventional CD case.

WL: Well, the chocolate box idea is wonderful.

AP: The chocolate box idea would have been much nicer.