At long last... Optimism's Flames brings you back issues of the fantastic XTC fanzine The Little Express. So stop digging through Ebay and paying outrageous sums for 'em - because they can be had here for a mere $5 US ($3 each + $2 shipping) Listed below are the LE issues available, albeit in limited quantities (at the most, 20 or so copies for some issues)

Your $5 US payment (per issue) can be sent by e-mail to The Little Express - using the PayPal payment service. It only takes a moment to sign up and is a breeze to use. Payment should be sent to this address: There should be a place in PayPal for the purchaser to leave a note detailing which issues they are buying - if not, or if you have any trouble at all, feel free to e-mail the details of your order to me - - and I'll forward them to the folkz at the LE.

Optimism's Flames makes no money from the sale of these issues & is happy to be able to bring The Little Express and the fans back together!

UPDATE: These three issues: October '85 - #19, Summer '87 - #23, & March/April '88 - #25 are not available in full, only loose pages are available for those issues. A new issue has been added: Winter '94 - #37.

Autumn '88 - #27
Winter/Spring '89 - #28 (loose pages)
Summer '89 - #29
Spring '90 - #30
Winter '90-'91 - #31
Spring/Summer '91 - 10th Anniv. #32
Summer '92 - #34
Winter '92-'93 - #35
Spring/Summer '93 - #36
Winter '94 - #37
Summer/Autumn '94 - #38
Spring/Summer '95 -#39
Winter '95-'96 - #40
Summer/Autumn '98 - #42
Summer '99 - #43 (loose pages)